LUNAR BLANKET CAL- Week 3- Moon Phases

Nos encontramos otra semana y última! Sé que las había dicho 4 semanas, pero me atrasé una (por motivos personales) y decidií traerles las 3 fases lunar de una vez 🙂 
Esta fue una de mis partes favoritas cuando estaba tejiendo la manta… La Luna es una gran inspiración para mi. Todo en ella me mueve, me toca y me influencia 🙂
Pués ya vamos a crear!

Here we are another week and the last one! I know I said 4 weeks, but I was one week late (for personal reasons) and decided to bring you the 3 moon phases at once 🙂 

This was one of my favourite parts when I was crocheting the blanket…. The moon is a great inspiration for me. Everything about it moves me, touches me and influences me 🙂

So let’s create!

Para esta última parte, necesitarás:


For this last part, you will need:


Abreviaciones- abbreviations

Rnd: Ronda
F1: Fila 1
C1:Color 1 
punto deslizado
cad: cadeneta
pb: punto bajo
sht: sólo por la hebra trasera
shd: sólo por la hebra delantera
pa: punto alto
dpa: doble punto alto
tpa: triple punto alto (con 3 lazadas)
doble triple punto alto (con 4 lazadas)
triple triple punto alto (con 5 lazadas)

Rnd: Round
C1: Color 1
sl st: slip stitch
ch: chain
sc: single crochet
blo: back loop only
flo: front loop only
dc: double crochet
tr: treble crochet (with 2 loops on hook)
dtr: double treble crochet (with 3 loops on hook)
trtr: treble treble crochet (with 4 loops on hook)
dtrtr: double treble treble crochet (with 5 loops on hook)


Rnd1: Con C1 teje un doble anillo mágico, 2cad (cuenta como 1pa), 15 pa, aprieta y cierra el anillo, pd para unir. 16 pa
Rnd2: 2cad (cuenta como 1pa), 1pa en mismo p, 1aum pa por toda la ronda, pd para unir. 32pa
Rnd3: 2cad (cuenta como pa), 1pa en mismo p, *1pa, 1aum pa, rep desde * por toda a ronda, pd para unir. 48pa
Rnd4: 2cad (cuenta como *1pa),1pa, 1aum pa, rep desde* por toda la ronda, pd para unir. 64pa
Rnd5: 2cad (cuenta como *1pa), 1aum pa, 2pa, rep desde* por toda la ronda, pd para unir. 80pa
Rnd6: 2cad (cuenta como *1pa), 3pa, 1aum pa, rep desde* por toda la ronda, pd para unir. 96pa
Rnd7: 2cad (cuenta como *1pa),1pa, 1aum pa, 3pa rep desde* por toda la ronda, pd para unir, corta. 112pa
Rnd8: Con C2, comienza en cualquier punto con *5pb, 3mpa, 4pa, 3dpa, 1tpa, (1tpa, 1cad, 1tpa), 1tpa, 3dpa, 4pa, 3mpa, rep desde* hasta el final de ronda, pd para unir y corta.

Rnd1: With C1, make a double magic ring, ch2 (count as dc), 15dc, sl st to join. 15 sts
Rnd2: Ch2 (count as dc), 1dc in same st, 2dc in next st around, sl st to join. 32 sts
Rnd3: Ch2 (count as dc), 1dc in same st, *1dc in next st, 2dc in next st, rep from* around, sl st to join. 48 sts
Rnd4: Ch2 (count as *1dc), 1dc in next st, 2dc in next st, rep from* around, sl st to join. 64 sts
Rnd5: Ch2 (count as *1dc), 2dc in next st, 1dc in next 2sts, rep from* around, sl st to join. 80 sts
Rnd6: Ch2 (count as *1dc), 1dc in next 3sts, 2dc in next st, rep from* around, sl st to join. 96 sts
Rnd7: Ch2 (count as *1dc), 1dc in next st, 2dc in next st, 1dc in next 3sts, rep from* around, sl st to join, fasten off. 112 sts
Rnd8: With C2, start in any st, *sc in next 5sts, hdc in next 3sts, dc in next 4sts, tr in next 3sts, dtr in next st, (1dtr, ch1, 1dtr) in next st, 1dtr in next st, tr in next 3sts, dc in next 4ssts, hdc in next 3sts, rep from* to end, sl st to join, fasten off.


F1: Con C1 teje un doble anillo mágico, 2cad (cuenta como 1pa), 7 pa, aprieta y cierra el anillo, gira. 8 pa
F2: 2cad (cuenta como 1pa), 1pa en mismo p, 1aum pa por toda la ronda, gira. 16pa
F3: 2cad (cuenta como*1pa), 1aum pa, rep desde * por toda a ronda, gira.  24pa
F4: 2cad (cuenta como *1pa),1aum pa, 1pa, rep desde* por toda la ronda, gira. 32pa
F5: 2cad (cuenta como *1pa), 1pa, 1aum pa, 1pa, rep desde* por toda la ronda, gira. 40pa
Rnd6: 2cad (cuenta como *1pa), 1pa, 1aum pa, 2pa, rep desde* por toda la ronda, gira. 48pa
F7: 2cad (cuenta como *1pa),1pa, 1aum pa, 3pa rep desde* por toda la ronda, gira. corta. 56pa
F8: Con C2, comienza en el segundo punto del primer aumento de la Rnd7, 3mpa, 4pa, 3dpa, 1tpa, (1tpa, 1cad, 1tpa), 1tpa, 3dpa, 4pa, 3mpa, 5pb, 3mpa, 4pa, 3dpa, 1tpa, (1tpa, 1cad, 1tpa), 1tpa, 3dpa, 4pa, 3mpa, 3pb, 2pb a lo largo de cada pa (hasta que tengas 29 pb en total en el lado inferior), 2pb, cierra y corta.

Row1: With C1, make a double magic ring, ch2 (count as dc), 7dc, turn. 8 sts
Row2: Ch2 (count as dc), 1dc in same st, 2dc in next sts to end, turn. 16 sts
Row3: Ch2 (count as *1dc), 2dc in next st, rep from* to end, turn. 24 sts
Row4: Ch2 (count as *1dc), 2dc in next st, 1dc in next st, rep from* around, turn. 32 sts
Row5: Ch2 (count as *1dc), 1dc in next st, 2dc in next st,1dc in next st, rep from* around, turn. 40 sts
Row6: Ch2 (count as *1dc), 1dc in next st, 2dc in next st, 1dc in next 2sts, rep from* around, turn. 48 sts
Row7: Ch2 (count as *1dc), 1dc in next st, 2dc in next st, 1dc in next 3sts, rep from* around, turn, fasten off. 56 sts
Row8: With C2, start in second dc from first increase from rnd7, hdc in next 3sts, dc in next 4sts, tr in next 3sts, dtr in next st, (1dtr, ch1, 1dtr) in next st, 1dtr in next st, tr in next 3sts, dc in next 4ssts, hdc in next 3sts, sc in next 5sts, hdc in next 3sts, dc in next 4sts, tr in next 3sts, dtr in next st, (1dtr, ch1, 1dtr) in next st, 1dtr in next st, tr in next 3sts, dc in next 4ssts, hdc in next 3sts, sc in next 3sts, 2sc in each dc (until you have 29 sc on bottom side), sc in next 2sts, sl st to join, fasten off.


F1: Con C1 teje un doble anillo mágico, 2cad (cuenta como 1pa), 7 pa, aprieta y cierra el anillo, gira. 8 pa
F2: 2cad (cuenta como 1pa), 1pa en mismo p, 1aum pa por toda la fila, gira. 16pa
F3: 2cad (cuenta como*1pa), 1aum pa, rep desde * por toda a fila, gira.  24pa
F4: 2cad (cuenta como *1pa),1aum pa, 1pa, rep desde* por toda la fila, gira. 32pa
F5: 2cad (cuenta como *1pa), 1pa, 1aum pa, 1pa, rep desde* por toda la fila, gira. 40pa
F6: Con C2, 1cad (cuenta como *1pb), 1pb, 1aum pb, 3pb,1mpa, 1aum mpa, 3mpa, 1pa, [1aum pa, 4pa] 3 veces, 1aum pa, 1pa, 3mpa, 1aum mpa, 1mpa, 3pb, 1aum pb, 2pb, gira. 48pts
F7: 1cad (cuenta como *1pb),1pb, 1aum pb, 5pb,1aum pb, 1pb, 4mpa, 1aum mpa, 2mpa, 3pa, 1aum pa, 5pa, 1aum pa, 3pa, 2mpa, 1aum mpa, 4mpa, 1pb, aum pb, 5pb, 1aum pb, 3pb, cierra y corta. Gira. 56pa
F8: Con C1, comienza en primer pb hecho de la F7, 3pa, 3dpa, 3tpa, 4dtpa, (1qpa,1cad, 1qpa), 2dtpa, 2dpa, 4pa, 3mpa, 5pb, 3mpa, 4pa, 2dpa, 2dtpa, (1qpa,1cad, 1qpa), 4dtpa, 3dtpa, 3dpa, 3pa, 29 pb, pd para unir, corta.

Row1: With C2, make a double magic ring, ch2 (count as dc), 7dc, turn. 8 sts
Row2: Ch2 (count as dc), 1dc in same st, 2dc in next sts to end, turn. 16 sts
Row3: Ch2 (count as *1dc), 2dc in next st, rep from* to end, turn. 24 sts
Row4: Ch2 (count as *1dc), 2dc in next st, 1dc in next st, rep from* around, turn. 32 sts
Row5: Ch2 (count as *1dc), 1dc in next st, 2dc in next st,1dc in next st, rep from* to end, turn. 40 sts
Row6: With C1, Ch1 (count as *1sc), 1sc in next st, 2sc in next st, 1sc in next 3sts, 1hdc in next st, 2hdc in next st, hdc in next 3sts, 1dc in next st, [2dc in next st, dc in next 4 sts] thrice, 2dc in next st, 1dc in next st, hdc in next 3sts, 2hdc in next st, 1hdc in next st, sc in next 3sts, 2sc in next sts, sc in next 2sts, turn. 48 sts
Row7: Ch1 (count as *1sc), 2sc in next st, sc in 5next sts, 2sc in next st, sc in next st, hdc in next 4 sts, 2hdc in next st, hdc in next 2sts, 1dc in next 3sts,2dc in next st, dc in next 5sts, 2dc in next st, dc in next 3sts, hdc in next 2sts, 2hdc in next st, hdc in next 4sts, sc in next st, 2sc in next st, sc in next 5sts, 2sc in next st, sc in next 3sts, turn, fasten off. 56 sts
Row8: With C2, start in first sc made from F7, dc in next 3sts, tr in next 3sts, dtr in next 3sts, trtr in next 4sts, (1dtrtr, ch1, 1dtrtr) in next st, 1trtr in next st, 1dtr in next st, tr in next 2sts, dc in next 4sts, hdc in next 3sts, sc in next 5sts, hdc in next 3sts, dc in next 4sts, tr in next 2sts, dtr in next st, 1trtr in next st, (1dtrtr, ch1, 1dtrtr) in next st, 1trtr in next 4sts, 1dtr in next 3sts, tr in next 3sts, dc in next 3sts, 2sc in each dc until you have 29 sc, sl st to join, fasten off.


El bloqueo es parte fundamental en la manta, ya que esto te dará la posibilidad de dejar los grannies con terminaciones prolijas y te ayudará a definirlos mejor. Muchas veces me preguntan si es mejor bloquear después de unir la manta o antes de unirla. Yo bloqueo los grannies antes, ya que esto me ayuda a definir cada uno y el espacio que se ocupa para eso es menor. Personalmente utilizo la técnica de bloqueo de rociador y quedan super bien ( no sumergo completamente los grannies en agua)

Blocking is a fundamental part of this proyect, as this will give you the possibility to leave the grannies with neat ends and will help you to define them better. I am often asked if it is better to block after joining the blanket or before joining it. I block the grannies before, as this helps me to define each one and the space taken up for this is less. Personally I use the mist blocking technique and they look great (I don’t completely submerge the grannies in water).


La unión de grannies es un mundo lleno de técnicas y posibilidades, es un tema que podríamos tocar en más detalle más adelante. Tú puedes unirlos con el método que quieras. Puede ser con aguja de lana o con tu mismo crochet, lo importante es tener un trabajo terminado, no?

La forma en que yo uní los grannies fue muy sencilla: Alineé todos los grannies, y con un crochet fui tomando SÓLO LA HEBRA TRASERA de cada punto y fui pasando el hilo, tomando un punto de un grannie y tomando el que está exactamente en frente, en el otro grannies, como un espejo.

The joining of grannies is a world full of techniques and possibilities, a subject we could go into in more detail later on.
You can join them with any method you like. It can be with a wool needle or with your own crochet hook, the important thing is to have a finished work, isn’t it?
The way I joined the grannies was very simple: I lined up all the grannies, and with a crochet hook I took BACK LOOP ONLY of each stitch and passed the yarn through, taking a stitch from one grannie and taking the one that is exactly in front, in the other grannie, like a mirror.

Bueno, y hasta aquí llegó nuestro CAL, espero que si tejiste este gran proyecto (que necesita mucha paciencia por cierto), hayas aprendido muchas cosas nuevas y te hayas gustado el diseño, por otro lado si no lograste tejerlo esta vez; este tutorial estará aquí por siempre para que puedas tejerlo en otro momento quizás  y la luna te acompañe, te proteja y te guíe en la manta. Nos vemos en otra publicación!

**Recuerda que este diseño NO ha sido testeado, así que si encuentras alguna errata, déjamelo saber de inmediato 🙂

Well, so much for our CAL, I hope that if you workted this great project (which needs a lot of patience by the way), you’ve learned a lot of new things and you’ve liked this design, on the other hand if you didn’t manage to work it this time; this tutorial will be here forever so you can crochet it another time maybe and the moon will be with you, protect you and guide you in the blanket. See you in another post!

**Remember that this design has NOT been tested, so if you find any mistakes, let me know right away 🙂



Hola Anandinis! 
Nos encontramos nuevamente en la semana númeor 2 de nuestro CAL. Espero que muchas de ustedes ya tenga muchas estrellitas hechas. Recuerda que para ver el tutrorial, patrón y diagrama de la semana 1 puedes ir aqui MANTA LUNAR SEMANA 1.

Esta semana veremos los grannies del cielo, los cuales son azules y no llevan un gran diseño que resalte pero sí tiene estas «manchas» blanquedas que simbolizan estrellas muchos más lejanas. Quería mencionar esto ya que muchas personas me escribieron preguntándome si esto debía quedar así o estaban cometiendo algún tipo de error… y no, ustedes lo están haciendo grandioso!

Hello Anandinis! 
We are once again in week 2 of our CAL. I hope that many of you already have a lot of stars made. Remember that to see the tutorial, pattern and chart of week 1 you can go here LUNAR BLANKET WEEK 1.

This week we will be looking at the grannies in the sky, which are blue (in my project) . It does not have a big design that stands out but it do have these white «spots» that symbolise stars much further away. I wanted to mention this as many people wrote to me asking if this should stay like this or if they were making some kind of mistake… and no, you guys are doing great!

En el diagrama anterior, los grannies del cielo están representados por los cuadrados en blanco, sin diseño. Los grannies del cielo necesarios son 49, pero ya sabes que esto es sólo una guía y tu puedes armar tu propia combinación de diseño usar el número que gustes.

In the diagram above, the sky grannies are represented by the blank, unpatterned squares. The sky grannies needed are 49, but you know this is only a guide and you can put together your own design combination using any number you like.

let's start!

Abreviaciones/Abbreviations US terms

Rnd: Ronda
C1:Color 1 
punto deslizado
cad: cadeneta
pb: punto bajo
sht: sólo por la hebra trasera
shd: sólo por la hebra delantera
pa: punto alto
dpa: doble punto alto
pard: punto alto en relieve por delante
dims: disminución
salt 1p: salta 1 punto.

Rnd: Round
C1: Color 1
sl st: slip stitch
ch: chain
sc: single crochet
blo: back loop only
flo: front loop only
dc: double crochet
tr: treble crochet
FPdc: front post double crochet
dc2tog: double crochet 2 together
skp 1st: skip 1 st


  • Esta manta está hecha en mosaico overlay, trabajando en lagunas rondas por le hebra trasera de los puntos y otras veces trabajando por la hebra delantera.
  • Los puntos altos, dism y punto en relieve son enganchado siempre en la ronda que es de su mismo color
  • En cada ronda terminarás con un cierre especial que les muestro en el video tutorial


  • This blanket is made in overlay mosaic, working in some rounds through back loop only and sometimes working through front lopp only.
  • The double crochet, dc3tog and FPdc stitches are always hooked in the round that is of the same colour.
    in each round
  • You will end up with the special join that I show you in the video tutorial.


Con C1 doble anillo mágico
Rnd1: C1. 2cad (cuenta como pa), 15 pa, apreta el anillo y une. 16pa
Rnd2: C1. 1cad (no cuenta como p), *1aum pb sht, 1pb sht, rep desde* hasta el final, une.
Rnd3: C2. 1cad (no cuenta como p), *1pb sht, 1aum pb sht, 1pb sht, rep desde* hasta el final, une.
Rnd4: C1.  1cad (no cuenta como p), *1pa shd en pb justo abajo de la rnd2, 1pa shd en sig pb justo abajo en la rnd2, slat 1p, 1pb sht, 1pa shd en pb justo abajo en la rnd2, salt 1p, rep desde* hasta el final, une.
Rnd5: C2. 1cad (no cuenta como p), pb sht por toda la ronda, une.
Rnd6: C1. 1cad (no cuenta como p), *1pa shd en pb justo abajo en la rnd4, salt 1p, 1pb sht, 1dism pa shd en cada pa de la rnd4, 1pb shd, 1pa shd en pb justo abajo en la rnd4, salt 1p, 1pb shd, 1pa shd en pb justo abajo en la rnd4, 2pdard shd en sig pa de la rnd4, 1cad, 2pdard shd en el sig pa de la rnd4, 1pa shd en el sig pb de la rnd4, salt pts, 1pb sht, rep desde* 4 veces, une y corta.


With C1 make a double magic ring
Rnd1: C1. ch2 (count as dc), 15dc, pull  te magic ring tight and join.
Rnd2: C1. ch1 (does not count as st), *2sc blo in next st, 1sc blo in next st, rep from* to end, join.
Rnd3: C2. ch1 (does not count as st), *1sc blo in next st, 2sc blo in next st, 1sc blo in next st, rep from* to end, join.
Rnd4: C1. ch1 (does not count as st), *dc flo in next 2dc below from rnd2, sk 1st, 1sc blo in next st, 1dc flo in next sc below from rnd2, sk 1st, rep from* to end, join.
Rnd5: C2. ch1 (does not count as st), sc blo around, join.
Rnd6: C1. ch1 (does not count as st), 1dc flo in sc below from rnd4, sk 1st, 1sc blo in next st, 1dc2tog flo in next 2dc below from rnd4, 1sc blo in next st, 1dc flo in next sc below from rnd4, sk 1st, 1sc blo in next st, 1dc flo in sc below from rnd4, 2tr flo in next dc below from rnd4, ch1, 2tr flo in next dc below from rnd4, 1dc flo in next dc below from rnd4, sk 4sts, 1sc blo in next st,  rep from* to end, join and fasten off.

Espero ver pronto los avances de sus lindas mantas! este es un diseño que me entusiasma muchisimo compatir con ustedes, como un bello regalo de navidad. Recuerda que este patrón no está testeado así que si encuentras alguna errata, hazmela saber de inmediato!

I hope to see the progress of your beautiful blankets soon! This is a pattern that I’m very excited to share with you, as a beautiful Christmas present. Remember that this pattern is not tested so if you find any typos, let me know right away!